Halesowen Dental

36 Haden Hill Road | Halesowen | B63 3NQ

Do you floss?

Published On: January 10th, 2020283 words1.4 min readCategories: Oral HealthTags: , ,

Flossing and using interdental aids are a really important part of your oral health routine, but lots of people don’t bother doing it. Here are a few facts as to why you should add cleaning inbetween your teeth into your every day brushing routine.

1 – Flossing removes food debris and plaque that is wedged in the hard to reach areas between teeth. This plaque buildup can lead to cavities and cause bad breath.

2 – 40% of your tooth surface is hidden between your teeth, so brushing alone isn’t enough. Your toothbrush can’t reach between your teeth!

3 – Don’t be put off if your gums start bleeding. We’re all programmed to think blood is bad, but in the case of flossing, to start off with anyway, it’s normal. The more you do it, the less you’ll bleed

4 – If you don’t like using floss, we have a range of other interdental cleaning aids that will help reach those awkward places. Curaprox brushes and floss picks are great at reaching annoying places. Ask next time you’re at the dentist for a demonstration.

5 – To get to those areas at the back of your mouth, close slightly. This makes access easier, even when brushing.

6 – The two main types of floss are monofilament, and multifilament floss. Monofilament floss is made of plastics and rubber, while multifilament is mainly composed of nylon and silk.

7 – People with orthodontic devices like braces can floss too! Floss threaders and proxabrushes are great ways to helps people wearing braces remove food debris from between their teeth, and stuck in their brackets or orthodontic equipment.

8 – Waxed floss is easier to slide between closely spaced teeth. If your teeth are very close together, we suggest flossing with thin waxed floss.