Halesowen Dental

36 Haden Hill Road | Halesowen | B63 3NQ

Quit Smoking for Stoptober

Published On: September 11th, 2024300 words1.5 min readCategories: Oral Health

During October, the NHS is running their ‘Stoptober’ Campaign, which aims to help you quit smoking for good. And vaping for that matter!

There’s lots of reasons to stop smoking and vaping:

  • Health benefits: Quitting smoking can improve your health and quality of life, and reduce your risk of many diseases. This includes a reduced risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  • Financial benefits: Smoking is expensive, and quitting can save you money.
  • Reduced risk of passing on secondhand smoke: Quitting smoking protects your family and friends from the dangers of secondhand smoke.
  • Improved family life: Quitting smoking can set a good example for your children and give you more energy to spend with your family and friends.
  • Benefits for pregnant women: Quitting smoking can benefit pregnant women and their fetuses and babies.
  • Benefits for people with coronary heart disease or COPD: Quitting smoking can benefit people who already have these conditions.

Research shows that if you stop smoking for 28 days, you’re more likely to quit for good.

We encourage people to take part in schemes like this, because smoking can have a negative affect on your teeth and gums too. You’ll find you pick up more staining on your teeth, you’ll have bad breath, you may lose teeth due to underlying gum disease (which is harder to spot due to the restricted blood flow to your gums), and you’ll be at higher risk of mouth and throat cancer.

So do your bit today and join in with Stoptober. It’s not too late to break up with the cigarettes!

Find out more here:



If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please do not hesitate to call us on 0121 550 6958.